It has been a while since I last updated the blog as I was caught up at work and also the upcoming Chinese New Year. For those who have just celebrated Chinese New Year 2010, Happy New Year and do drive savely back.
Continuing on with with Korea trip, we headed off for Korean buffer breakfast followed by visiting the palace early in the morning. We spend most of our time cam whoring around the palace. In fact, most of the time, we were busy taking photo and lost track of the guide.
Subsequetly, we headed off for a steamboat lunch and were given time to shop at Myeong Dong shoping street. Myeong Dong is not a place to be missed as this is the place where most youngters will drop by to shop during the weekends. 'S' bought a number of skin care products from her as according to her, they have more variety and cheaper compare to Malaysia.
After that, the other group of 4 split up from us as they were meeting up their Korea business partner. Hence the remaining 4 of us 'S','B','L' and myself headed off to the spa/sauna which is included in the package. This Sauna is located close to the city and have 5 levels. It was 'B''s first experience and it was trully funny as we have to strip naked going in. It feels wierd as well since both of us are best friends the the thought of seeing each other in our birthday suit.
So the conversation went like this ( clad in our towels )
Me: Lets go. I will "try" not to look at you and lets act natural
'B' : Don't wan ler. I'll never look at you the same way again when we meet.
Me : Aiyo. Lets not waste time... ( Turn aound take off and go in - Immediately head for a shower and into the pool )
After a while 'B' came into my pool with his SWIMMING TRUNKS on. Fu la ma... everybody started staring at us.
'B' : why is everyone looking at us
Me : #$^&#(&$$. I think you are the abnormal one out here with your trunks on.
'B' : Never mind....I'll go and try the salt room.
'B' : Tell you something funny. I was in the salt room and the korean guy keep looking at me. He saw my leg was reddish so he demo to me to take the salt and rub. Then he ask me to take off my pants and show me to a sign saying that that we are not allowed to wear fabric due to the reaction with the water.For a moment there I though he wants to rub for me when he was doing the demonstration
Me : See you catch unwanted attention leh. Ask you to take off earlier. Luckily he didn't strip you ;)
Conclusion : If you do go for hot springs, you must enter the pool naked. Just follow how the rest does it and you'll be fine. Other wise, everyone will be looking at you!
Anyway the sauna room was 5 stories tall and they have different theme in each section. The only place we had to be naked is at the basement floor where you bath. The 1st and 2nd floor is family theme floor and you see kids running around, people just sit down and chat. The 3rd floor is where they have all sort of sauna room. Did not try to go higher due to time factor.
We headed off to Lotte world after the spa/sauna session. It is a combination of indoor and outdoor theme park which open until 10pm. Since we arrive around 7.30pm, we basically have only 2+ hours including dinner. Dinner was on our own that night so we settle for some burgers and headed off for the rides.As some of the rides have closed, 'S' and myself spend most of the time taking pictures of the place.
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